Apr 28, 2020 – Nancy Pelosi’s “Guaranteed Income” plan for the people vs. The Leviticus 25 Plan

Democrat Nancy Pelosi’s populist plan – a monthly ‘drip, drip, drip’ of free money promoting ‘serfdom’ and government ‘control’…:

Rabo: Pelosi’s Stunning Proposal “Shows How Bad Things Are Right Now Out There”

ZeroHedge, Apr 28, 2020 – Excerpt:

House Speaker Pelosi, who recently made a video to show how tough it is being under lockdown at home with a $24,000 fridge packed with ice-cream, yesterday said the following on the next US stimulus package: “Let’s see what works, what is operational and what needs attention…Others have suggested a minimum income, a guaranteed income for people. Is that worthy of attention now? Perhaps so.

Note: The ‘Universal Basic Income’ plan floated by Pelosi would be ‘means-tested’ – which means it would only be available to a certain segment of U.S. society.

It would do nothing to help the average American family substantially reduce their Household debt levels and reduce their dependence on government. It would increase dependence on government.

It would do nothing to positively incentivize work. It would instead, reward ‘non-work.’

It would do nothing to improve quality and access to the U.S. health care system.

And finally, it would do nothing to help reign in run-away government deficits and set America back on course for long-term economic growth and prosperity.


Freedom of choice: The Democratic ‘Pelosi plan’ – or the Republican economic liberty plan. Americans may choose the plan that meets their economic needs and interests.


And here is the Republican Plan – a massive citizen-centered debt elimination plan for U.S. citizens.:

Note: The Leviticus 25 Plan would available to be available to all U.S. citizens. That includes young, old, rich, poor, incarcerated, nursing home residents. Again, all U.S. citizens are ‘eligible’ to participate in the plan.

The Leviticus 25 Plan would provide immediate financial leverage to eliminate massive amounts of Household debt levels, and it would substantially reduce their dependence on government – saving government (federal, state, local) billions of dollars in social spending costs.

The Leviticus 25 Plan would positively incentivize work.

The Leviticus 25 Plan would create a dynamic framework for ‘citizen-centered’ health care. It would improve quality and access to the U.S. health care system for all participants.

And finally, The Leviticus 25 Plan would provide immediate power to help reign in run-away government deficits. It would set America back on course for long-term economic growth and prosperity. And it would restore economic liberty.

The Leviticus 25 Plan is a dynamic economic initiative providing direct liquidity benefits for American families, while at the same time scaling back the role of government in managing and controlling the affairs of citizens.  It is a comprehensive plan with long-term economic and social benefits for citizens and government.

The inspiration for this plan is based upon Biblical principles set forth in the Book of Leviticus, principles tendering direct economic liberties to the people.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$75,000 per U.S. citizen – Leviticus 25 Plan 2021 (3644 downloads)


April 2020 quote:  “No society can surely be flourishing and happy of which by far the greater part of the numbers are poor and miserable.”  – Adam Smith

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