Fall 2024: “Republican Divisions” as Another Government Shutdown Looms

Washington Republicans are back at the table… with no politically feasible, economically credible plan to solve America’s ongoing, run-away budget deficit catastrophe — and put an end, once and for all, to these exasperating budget impasse episodes.

Main Street America Republicans do have a plan – a powerful deficit-eliminating, ‘hands-down’ election-winning plan.


Republican Divisions Sink House Bill as Government Shutdown Nears – WSJ

Trump urges party to take hard line on election security in negotiations with Democrats

By Katy Stech Ferek | The Wall Street Journal  |  Updated Sept. 18, 2024 – Excerpt:

WASHINGTON—An initial proposal by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R., La.) to fund the government was voted down Wednesday, underscoring the divisions within the Republican Party but potentially setting the stage for talks with Democrats on avoiding a partial shutdown at the end of the month.

The vote on the short-term funding bill was 202 in favor to 220 against, with more than a dozen holdout Republicans joining most Democrats in opposition. Two Republicans voted present.

With the House GOP’s initial effort defeated, Johnson now must quickly decide his path forward. Some GOP figures, including Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, are demanding that Republicans leverage the specter of a shutdown to strike a hard bargain with Democrats to tighten voter-ID rules, while others say such an effort would be futile and wrongheaded just ahead of the November elections.

Johnson’s initial proposal would have extended government funding levels for six months past the Sept. 30 end of the current fiscal year. The bill, known as a continuing resolution, also includes a provision that would require voters to provide proof of citizenship to register, nodding to an issue that is a priority for Trump and many Republican voters.

After the measure failed, Johnson said he was disappointed and was talking with Republican colleagues about his next steps. He didn’t provide details.

“Now we go back to the playbook. We’ll draw up another play, and we’ll come up with a solution,” he said. “We have time to fix the situation.”

“This bill is an admission that a House Republican majority cannot govern,” said Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, the top Democrat on the Appropriations Committee.


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