Fed Rate Cuts Not Needed to ‘Recharge’ the U.S. Debt-Soaked Economy…

The U.S. economy does not need Fed rate cuts – and no one should be pressuring the Fed to ease in our current economic situation – when there is a monumentally better, and more powerful economic acceleration plan loaded up and ready to launch.

What the U.S. needs more than anything is massive public and private debt elimination. The immediate and long-term benefits of a systematic, massive debt elimination plan would dwarf, by orders of magnitude, the limited benefits of any rate-lowering cycle the Fed could ever set in motion.

A rate cutting cycle would have little, if any effect on reducing the $35.5 trillion national debt or the projected $2.0 trillion annual deficits, or the $3.1 trillion of State and Local debt, or the current $18.04 trillion of Household Debt in the U.S..

A rate cutting cycle would do nothing to shrink entitlement spending and reduce the government’s ever-growing footprint across America’s private sector landscape.  It would do nothing to restore real financial security and rekindle the spirit of self-reliance for America’s hard-working, tax-paying U.S. citizens.

It would do nothing to spur a legitimate long-term economic growth cycle, stabilize the credit markets, and strengthen the U.S. Dollar.

A rate cutting cycle at this time would merely be an open door for additional debt accumulation and eventually lead into another rate-tightening phase. And it would penalize savers.

The Leviticus 25 Plan’s massive debt elimination plan, on the other hand, would immediately:  1) Generate a series of annual Federal budget surpluses, along with State and Local government surpluses;  2) Reduce fraud and waste across many of government’s social insurance sectors;  3) Restore real financial security for millions of American families, rekindle the spirit of self-reliance, and scale back out-of-control entitlement spending;  4) And generate a long-term economic growth cycle that would benefit all Americans, and especially the 33.2 million small businesses across the U.S..

Moreover, it is a plan that will pay for itself entirely over a 10-15 year period.

The Leviticus 25 Plan would allow the Fed to adjust interest rates a function as free market dynamics and price discovery dictated, rather than depending upon complex timing models amid political pressures.

Higher rates would allow savers to earn millions of dollars in additional interest. It would help curb interests in ‘fast money’ and speculation within the economy, and it would decrease the likelihood of new ‘bubbles’ popping up in financial markets.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – loaded up and ready to launch.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$90,000 per U.S. citizen – Leviticus 25 Plan 2026 (26168 downloads )

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