Soaring U.S. Debt, Rising Deficits. Solution: The Leviticus 25 Plan

Japanese Style Policies And The Future Of America

Aug 30, 2024 – Authored by Lance Roberts via Charts/Excerpts:


The Failure Of Central Banks

“Bad debt is the root of the crisis. Fiscal stimulus may help economies for a couple of years but once the ‘painkilling’ effect wears off, U.S. and European economies will plunge back into crisis. The crisis won’t be over until the nonperforming assets are off the balance sheets of US and European banks.” – Keiichiro Kobayashi, 2010

Kobayashi will ultimately be proved correct. However, even he never envisioned the extent to which Central Banks globally would be willing to go. As my partner, Michael Lebowitz pointed out previously:

“Global central banks’ post-financial crisis monetary policies have collectively been more aggressive than anything witnessed in modern financial history. Over the last ten years, the six largest central banks have printed unprecedented amounts of money to purchase approximately $24 trillion of financial assets as shown below. Before the financial crisis of 2008, the only central bank printing money of any consequence was the Peoples Bank of China (PBoC).”


Soaring U.S. debt, rising deficits, and demographics are the culprits behind the economy’s disinflationary push. The complexity of the current environment implies years of sub-par economic growth ahead. The Federal Reserve’s long-term economic projections remain at 2% or less.


With the current [U.S.] economic recovery already pushing the long end of the economic cycle, the risk is rising that the next economic downturn is closer than not. The danger is that the Federal Reserve is now potentially trapped with an inability to use monetary policy tools to offset the subsequent economic decline when it occurs.

That is the same problem Japan has wrestled with for the last 25 years. While Japan has entered into an unprecedented stimulus program (on a relative basis twice as large as the U.S. on an economy 1/3 the size), there is no guarantee that such a program will result in the desired effect of pulling the Japanese economy out of its 40-year deflationary cycle. The problems that face Japan are similar to what we are currently witnessing in the U.S.:

  • A decline in savings rates to extremely low levels which depletes productive investments
  • An aging demographic that is top-heavy and drawing on social benefits at an advancing rate.
  • A heavily indebted economy with debt/GDP ratios above 100%.
  • A decline in exports due to a weak global economic environment.
  • Slowing domestic economic growth rates.
  • An underemployed younger demographic.
  • An inelastic supply-demand curve
  • Weak industrial production
  • Dependence on productivity increases to offset reduced employment

The lynchpin to Japan and the U.S. remains demographics and interest rates. As the aging population grows and becomes a net drag on “savings,” dependency on the “social welfare net” will continue to expand. The “pension problem” is only the tip of the iceberg.


Main Street Republicans have the plan to counter this deepening economic malaise.

This plan features: 1) Massive debt elimination (public/private); 2) Increased savings rates; 3) Free market economic revitalization and robust economic growth; 4) Restoration of economic liberty in America.

The Leviticus 25 Plan is a dynamic economic initiative providing direct liquidity benefits for American families, while at the same time scaling back the role of government in managing and controlling the affairs of citizens.  It is a comprehensive plan with long-term economic and social benefits for citizens and government.

The inspiration for this plan is based upon Biblical principles set forth in the Book of Leviticus, principles tendering direct economic liberties to the people.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$90,000 per U.S. citizen – Leviticus 25 Plan 2025 (20234 downloads )

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