2008 Review: The Federal Reserve’s “Secret Liquidity Lifelines” for Major Banks.

The Leviticus 25 Plan vs the Fed’s 2008-2010 secret emergency lending programs – A critical perspective, in planning for America’s future.

The Federal Reserve’s ‘secret liquidity lifelines’ for major banks:

Bloomberg LP filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit on Nov 7, 2008 to gain access to information regarding special emergency lending programs that the U.S. Federal Reserve had been running to help borrower banks deal with cash shortages and collateral deficiencies. The Fed fought the lawsuit, but ultimately lost.

Bloomberg gained access to more than 29,000 pages of previously secret loan documents and Fed spreadsheets, and published the highlights of those programs in late 2011.

According to Bloomberg, the top 15 recipients of Fed’s ‘secret liquidity lifelines’ were: Morgan Stanley ($107 billion), Citigroup Inc. ($99.5 billion), Bank of America Corp ($91.4 billion), Royal Bank of Scotland Plc ($84.5 billion), State Street Corp ($77.8 billion), UBS AG ($77.2 billion), Goldman Sachs Group Inc. ($69 billion), JP Morgan Chase & Co ($68.6 billion), Deutsche Bank AG ($66 billion), Barclays Plc ($64.9 billion), Merrill Lynch & Co Inc. ($62.1 billion), Credit Suisse Group AG ($60.8 billion), Dexia SA ($58.5 billion), Wachovia ($50 billion).


The Fed ‘flooded’ the financial coffers of these major U.S. and foreign banks (with U.S subsidiaries) with trillions of dollars in direct cash transfers, credit guarantees, and balance sheet transfers of (often ‘sewage grade’) agency debt and MBS – and the principles of those institutions ended up making out very well. None of the principles involved took a serious haircut.

Meanwhile, Main Street America did not fare well…

There were severe financial dislocations. 8.7 million Americans lost their jobs during the financial crisis years. 4.1 million American families lost their homes through completed foreclosures from September 2008 through December 2012, according to CoreLogic.


It is now time for a Round 2 “emergency lending program,” one that would restore financial security for millions of American families – via direct liquidity extensions channeled through a Federal Reserve / U.S. Treasury Citizens Credit Facility.

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