Martenson: “Credit cycles, when they blow up, are really, really destructive…”

Central Banks transfused the global financial markets with trillions of dollars in direct liquidity transfers and credit guarantees during the financial crisis.  These ‘extraordinary measures’ did nothing to provide long term strength and stability to global economies.

The world is eyeball-deep in debt.  Global economies are fragile.

The clock is ticking again for a major blow-up…

There is an answer to this quagmire…


“There’s No Way To Make This Work” Martenson Warns “A Big Reset Is Locked In”

ZeroHedge, Jul 28, 2018  – Excerpts:

Chris Martenson “Here’s why people need to be concerned. Credit cycles, when they blow up, are really, really destructive…”

2008 to 2009 was very destructive. Instead of realizing the error of their ways, they went for a third. This is the most comprehensive credit cycle that we have seen. Remember, bubbles have two things that they need. Number one, a good story that people can believe in and, of course, it’s a false story. Number two, ample credit. That’s what the Fed and central banks of Japan and Europe have done. They just flooded the world with credit. Now, we have bubbles everywhere. When these burst, it will be the worst bursting in anybody’s lifetime because we have never seen anything like this.”

[A debt reset is locked in, and somebody is going to pay].

When you have as much debt that the United States has… the overall debt level in the United States, including auto loans, mortgages, consumer debt, student loans and corporate debt and whatever, we’re sitting at about $60 trillion right now. It’s a huge number, and when you get to this level of indebtedness, plus those unfunded or underfunded liabilities…when you get to this level of indebtedness, there is really only one question left to be resolved, and that is who is going to eat the losses. That’s it.

So, when you start asking that question, the banks and people writing the laws are pretty sure they are not going to take the losses. The person relying on the pension is the person that is going to eat the losses. . . . There is no way to make this work. Here’s where the social tension comes in. Even as ordinary middle class people are being destroyed in this process, the rich are taking more and more out of the system. That is courtesy of the policies of the Federal Reserve…

But the big risk is when these printing sprees, these credit cycles finally burst. They are wildly destructive. They are fast. They are hard. They are sharp and they hurt.


“Real assets are the place you need to be if and when a paper tower comes crumbling down. I am diversified myself. I believe in land. I believe in real estate. I believe in gold. I believe in silver. I believe in other metals. I believe in these hard assets because this is where we are going to have to hide out because if you held hard assets in Turkey, in Venezuela, in Argentina and in places where the currency collapsed and declined, these would have been great places to be hiding out…

When this worm turns, it’s going to be a lot faster than it has in the past. There is no free lunch, and if you can see that, there is a wealth transfer coming. The wealth transfer is going to have a bright red line, and people are going to get trapped on the side where they hold paper claims, and the people that are going to preserve their wealth are going to be on the other side of the line with their wealth tied up in real things. That’s the period of history that is about to unfold.”


America needs to get ‘creative’ very soon.  We need an economic plan with with the raw power to insulate U.S. citizens from the blow-back of another economic crisis, eliminate massive loads of public and private debt, reestablish free market dynamics, and restore economic liberty.

There is precisely one plan in America that features the type of dynamic leverage needed to restore financial health to citizens, businesses, and government entities.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$75,000 per U.S. citizen:  Leviticus 25 Plan 2018 (2850 downloads)



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