Mar 30, 2020 – Open letter to WSJ’s Kim Strassel: America needs The Leviticus 25 Plan.

March 30, 2020

Dear Ms. Strassel –

I am a WSJ subscriber, and I appreciate the sharply focused insights and perspectives you provide in your columns.

I would like to add in a supporting perspective, and offer a new economic model for America, in response to your column of Mar 27, 2020.

In “Big-Government Contagion,” you highlighted many of the pitfalls and longer-term dangers involved with governmental entities appropriating large sums of money, either as a matter of ongoing operations or in response to crises, on behalf of citizens – rather than allowing citizens to allocate funds directly, in ways that best meet their individual needs and interests.

Your news service, The Wall Street Journal, proposed a type of blue print for a citizen-driven model (in health care) three years ago:

Give Medicaid Dollars Directly to Patients – WSJ › Opinion › Commentary  –  Apr 12, 2017 – Excerpt:

Washington and state governments spent $545 billion in 2015 on 73 million Americans covered by Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Instead lawmakers could take $511 billion of that total, divide it equally among enrollees, and give each one a health savings account with $7,000 a year. This would be real money for the poor, stored in real private accounts.

Recipients could use the deposit to buy health insurance and cover the cost of prescriptions, copays, deductibles and other related expenses. Unspent money would carry over to the following year. Enrollees could share that $7,000 with a sick spouse, sibling, parent or child.

I began to do some economic modeling over eight years ago to develop a ‘citizen-centered’ economic plan and health care prototype which would breathe new efficiencies into our U.S. health care system, and revive free market dynamics and economic liberty for individual citizens and their families.

U.S. citizens are the foundation of our Republic, and we must have a healthy and financially sound foundation to set America on course for a bright and promising future.

The resulting plan is a comprehensive economic acceleration plan that yields massive ‘ground level’ debt elimination, citizen-centered health care, fundamentally sound economic growth trends, and extraordinary budget benefits for Federal, State, and Local governments – with $332 billion Federal budget surpluses in each of the first five years of activation:

The Leviticus 25 Plan is a dynamic economic initiative providing direct liquidity benefits for American families, while at the same time scaling back the role of government in managing and controlling the affairs of citizens.  It is a comprehensive plan with long-term economic and social benefits for citizens and government.

The inspiration for this plan is based upon Biblical principles set forth in the Book of Leviticus, principles tendering direct economic liberties to the people.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

Leviticus 25 Plan 2021 (3592 downloads)

Thank you for your time, Ms. Strassel.  I hope you will review this dynamic, new plan for America.

Sincerely, Bernie Hendricks – Brookings, South Dakota

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