Lacalle: How Governments Expropriate Wealth…

Fed futility in full blossom…


How Governments Expropriate Wealth With Inflation And Taxes

May 10, 2022, Authored by Daniel Lacalle,Excerpts:

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted that the chain of stimulus plans implemented by the U.S. administration helped create the problem of inflation. “Inflation is a matter of demand and supply, and the spending that was undertaken in the American Rescue Plan did feed demand”, Yellen admitted. Of course, Yellen went on to say that the spending was appropriate due to the collapse of the economy as governments were trying to prevent a recession.

This reminds us of a few of the problems of disproportionate government intervention and the negative impact on the middle class…. Central banks and governments have exhausted all demand-side policies at the expense of the middle class by eroding real wages and deposit savings.

Even worse, governments created a larger inflationary spiral by maintaining all “pandemic relief” packages even after the re-opening, well beyond the recovery. They expected a spectacular aggregate demand increase and they got it. Now the result is higher inflation and lower economic growth. But government size and deficit spending remain.

Everything that government spends is paid by you. There is no free money. Even for the recipients of benefits in constantly depreciated currency. Inflation, the tax on the poor.

Governments do not avoid recessions through spending, they simply make the accumulated problems larger by constantly adding debt that central banks monetize via quantitative easing. This uncontrolled increase in M3 money supply (a broad money proxy) leads to asset inflation first and everyday goods price inflation afterwards. Both consequences lead to inequality and a constant deterioration of the purchasing power of the currency, making salaries in real terms lower.

Central-planned money creation is never neutral. It disproportionately benefits the first recipients of money, government and those with assets and debt, and negatively impacts those with a monetary salary and some savings in cash deposits, which dissolve over time. No socialist excel spreadsheet can erase the fact that massive deficit spending financed with newly created money destroys the poor and the middle class. They may say that government spending goes to social programs that benefit the poor, but that does not happen. Social programs in a constantly devalued currency become irrelevant, inefficient, and worthless while at the same time the wrongly named welfare state condemns a substantial proportion of the population to being hostage clients of government plans.

Government does not give excess reserves as social programs. Government takes away from existing and future wealth of the economy via currency printing, taxation, spending and debt, but math never works for those who believe extractive and confiscatory policies will work. 

The “tax the rich” crowd are doing an enormous disservice to the citizens they pretend to support. Interventionists may use the excuse of stealing from the rich to give to the poor, but the reality is that government spending is so enormous that they cannot finance every entitlement and social program with the money of one percent of the population. Government takes from the 99% to give devaluated and increasingly worthless funds to 45% of the population, and in the process bloating an ever-expanding bureaucracy to administer it all.

Did you feel happy when the government gave you a cheque paid with printed money? Watch now as your daily groceries, gas and power become unaffordable.

Government always takes three when they promise one. Huge public debt accumulation will be paid by the 99% via inflation, taxes, or both.

Deficit spending and artificial money creation are just two sides of the same coin, dissolving the existing wealth of a nation by issuing more promissory notes. Wealth is the same, just more units of currency in circulation. Hence, prices do not rise, the purchasing power of money diminishes.

The mirage of enormous government spending and exponential currency printing is a process of expropriation. Government expands its size at the expense of the rest of the population, especially those that defend rising public expenditure programs.

Demand-side policies expropriate wealth in three ways.

  • On the way in, by running uncontrolled deficits financed with debt, which means higher taxes in the future.
  • Second, raising taxes to “reduce deficit”.
  • Third, with inflation.

Government weight in the economy rises in all three steps.

If you wanted more government, this is more government: Less growth, higher inflation, and poorer citizens.


The Leviticus 25 Plan will re-balance the economic system in America.

Instead of “Central-planned money creation … disproportionately benefiting the first recipients of money, government and those with assets and debt, and negatively impacting those with a monetary salary and some savings in cash deposits,” it will re-target U.S. citizens as the “first recipients” of the Fed’s “money creation” gambit – immeasurably strengthening the financial health of American families, and the financial health of the U.S..

The Leviticus 25 Plan will reignite economic growth, reduce the footprint of the enormous government-run entitlement programs, improve labor productivity, generate massive new tax revenue flows (without raising taxes), and pay for itself entirely over a 10-15 year period.

The Leviticus 25 Plan is a dynamic economic initiative providing direct liquidity benefits for American families, while at the same time scaling back the role of government in managing and controlling the affairs of citizens.  It is a comprehensive plan with long-term economic and social benefits for citizens and government.

The inspiration for this plan is based upon Biblical principles set forth in the Book of Leviticus, principles tendering direct economic liberties to the people.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$90,000 per U.S. citizen – Leviticus 25 Plan 2023 (4077 downloads)

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