August 2015: U.S. on the hook for $3 billion IMF transfer to pay Ukraine’s debt obligation to Vladimir Putin. U.S. deserve nothing less than that same direct access to U.S. liquidity flows…

Circling back….

Ukraine owes Vladimir Putin $3 billion, and Putin is demanding payment.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch reports that the IMF will be stepping in to provide Ukraine with the requisite funds to make Vladimir Putin ‘whole,’ and to de-stress the situation:

The $3bn Russian bond is included in debt restructuring, but Russia will not participate in debt restructuring and will either be paid $3bn from reserves in December or there will be a political decision to agree on an extension, likely without haircuts. We believe the $3bn bond is likely to be classified as sovereign debt and the IMF would likely be forced to pay it (as a holdout) in order to continue the program in December.   Source:  ZeroHedge 8-28-15  Putin To Get $3 Billion From US Taxpayers After Ukraine Bond Debacle

And so, here we have the U.S. government, funneling U.S. taxpayer dollars through the IMF fire-hose to Russia’s Vladimir Putin … to help restore Putin’s ‘financially health.’

If the U.S. government can spurge on behalf of Vladimir Putin, funds which it will not get back, then the Federal Reserve can also grant U.S. citizens the same access (to their own money) that has been provided to Mr. Putin – to allow U.S. citizens to regain a measurable degree of their own ‘financial health.’

The Leviticus 25 Plan is a dynamic economic initiative providing direct liquidity benefits for American families, while at the same time scaling back the role of government in managing and controlling the affairs of citizens.  It is a comprehensive plan with long-term economic and social benefits for citizens and government.

The inspiration for this plan is based upon Biblical principles set forth in the Book of Leviticus, principles tendering direct economic liberties to the people.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$75,000 per U.S. citizen – Leviticus 25 Plan 2020 (3383 downloads)

Bank of America: Central Banks “creating bubbles,” not “helping the economy.” A looming “disaster.”

Questions and criticisms are beginning to mount against Central Bank ‘bubble-blowing’ policies that have done little to underpin legitimate economic growth prospects and promote long-term stability

BofA: Central Banks Are Creating Bubbles Instead Of Helping The Economy; The Result Will Be A Disaster

ZeroHedge, Aug 27, 2019 – Excerpts:

In recent weeks we have seen a surprising spike in criticism of central banks by establishment figures, in some cases central bankers themselves, most notably Mark Carney who last Friday remarkably admitted that very low interest rates tend “to coincide with high risk events such as wars, financial crises, and breaks in the monetary regime.” This continued yesterday when 7 months after it praised negative rates, the San Francisco Fed pulled a U-turn and warned that the “Japanese experience”, where negative rates dragged down inflation expectations even more, is ground for NIRP caution.

Then, in an even more bizarre interview with the FT, St Louis Fed president James Bullard made an even more stunning admission – that the Fed no longer has any idea what is going on. To wit:

“Something is going on, and that’s causing I think a total rethink of central banking and all our cherished notions about what we think we’re doing… We just have to stop thinking that next year things are going to be normal.”

There was more. In a series of questions aimed at the Fed in this post-Jackson Hole powerless reality, we brought you some rhetorical fireworks from the head of FX at Deutsche Bank, Alan Ruskin, who lashed out at the central bank with 20 questions, technically statements, that 10 years ago would have branded him a tinfoil-wearing conspiracy theorist (we know, because we asked just these questions back in 2009), among which:

  • “Will the Fed/ECB buy equities/ETFs? How far are central banks willing to distort underlying value, or is distorting value intrinsic to Central Banking as per the Austrian critique?”
  • “How much are Central Banks going to be complicit in a collapse in fiscal standards, by buying public sector assets? Will a passive Central bank simply accommodate and facilitate fiscal actions related to MMT?”
  • “Are we reaching a natural end to the secular decline in inflation and rates that has propelled the asset cycle in the last 40 years. Has asset inflation hidden an even more meaningful deceleration in the natural rate of growth that will evident in the next decade?”
  • “Is it the Central Banks job to do away with business cycle? And at what price? Are we witnessing the great moderation interspersed with a great collapse in confidence and wilder big credit cycle, and greater long-term misallocation of resources?”
  • “The Fed did a particularly good job hitting its inflation target in the years before the Great Financial collapse in 2008 – what does that say about inflation targeting creating stability?”

Tying it all together was Bank of America, which in a report meant to recommend buying gold, lashed out at the Fed, warning that “ultra-easy monetary policies have led to distortions across various asset classes”; worse – and these are not our words, but of Bank of America – “it also stopped normal economic adjustment/ renewal mechanisms by for instance sustaining economic participants that would normally have gone out of business”, i.e. a record number of zombie corporations. In addition, as everyone knows, debt levels have continued to increase, making it more difficult for central banks to normalize monetary policy as 2018 showed so vividly (and for Powell, painfully).

Which brought us to BofA’s conclusion:

“We fear that this dynamic could ultimately lead to “quantitative failure”, under which markets refocus on those elevated liabilities and the lack of global growth, which would in all likelihood lead to a material increase in volatility.”


Central Banks need a dynamic new plan.

The U.S. Federal Reserve needs a new plan – one which ‘re-targets’ liquidity flows into ‘ground-level’ channels where they will generate the most power and precision.

During the last financial crisis, the Fed created various ‘credit facilities’ to ‘secretly funnel hundreds of billions of dollars dozens of major financial institutions to ‘float’ them up out of their capital holes. Bank of America was the #3 recipient of the Fed’s “secret liquidity lifelines”:

Bloomberg Nov 28, 2011:  “Bank of America Corp., which got two rounds of U.S. Treasury Department capital injections totaling $45 billion to stay afloat during the credit crisis, borrowed twice that amount in secret from the Federal Reserve. On Feb. 26, 2009, the Charlotte, North Carolina-based bank held $78 billion of loans from the Fed’s Term Auction Facility, $8.65 billion from the Primary Dealer Credit Facility, $4.75 billion from the Term Securities Lending Facility. The financing helped bolster the largest U.S. bank by assets as investors worried its 2008 acquisitions of Merrill Lynch & Co. and Countrywide Financial Corp. might lead to nationalization.”

It is time now for the Fed to create a new “Citizens Credit Facility,” to grant U.S. citizens the same direct access to liquidity that was provided to the likes of BofA, Goldman Sachs, Société Générale, Deutshe Bank, Morgan Stanley… and numerous others.

The Leviticus 25 Plan will eliminate massive tracts of debt across all public and private public sectors, generate sustainable economic growth, produce $465 billion government surpluses – and pay for itself over a 10-15-year period.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$75,000 per U.S. citizen – Leviticus 25 Plan 2020 (3382 downloads)

Merrill Lynch – 2008: Takes Fed $62 billion transfusion, while at the same time “criminally manipulating precious metals market.”

Circling back to Merrill Lynch – 2008…

Merrill Lynch Caught Criminally Manipulating Precious Metals Market “Thousands Of Times” Over 6 Years

ZeroHedge, Jun 26, 2019 – Excerpts:

On Tuesday [Jun 25, 2019] after the close, the CFTC announced that Merrill Lynch Commodities (MLCI), a global commodities trading business, agreed to pay $25 million to resolve the government’s investigation into a multi-year scheme by MLCI precious metals traders to mislead the market for precious metals futures contracts traded on the COMEX (Commodity Exchange Inc.). The announcement was made by Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and Assistant Director in Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. of the FBI’s New York Field Office…..

As MLCI itself admitted, beginning in 2008 and continuing through 2014, precious metals traders employed by MLCI schemed to deceive other market participants by injecting materially false and misleading information into the precious metals futures market.


Federal Reserve emergency lending – Merrill Lynch & Co.

Bloomberg  Nov 28, 2011


Merrill Lynch & Co.‘s stock surged 30 percent after the New York-based securities firm announced an agreement to sell itself to Bank of America Corp. in September 2008. The deal didn’t stop the firm’s liquidity from shrinking by about $27 billion in three days that month, according to internal Federal Reserve Bank of New York documents. In the ensuing weeks, the firm drew as much as $62.1 billion from the Federal Reserve’s Primary Dealer Credit Facility, Term Securities Lending Facility and single-tranche open market operations. After the takeover closed on Jan. 1, 2009, Charlotte, North Carolina-based Bank of America let Merrill’s Fed loans roll off while increasing its own liquidity draws from the central bank.”

Peak amount of debt on 09/26/2008:  $62.1B


Merrill Lynch engaged in a high-stakes leveraged speculation gambit which blew up when the subprime default wave hit and the mortgage backed securities (MBS) warehoused on their balance sheet plunged in value. They were subsequently rescued by the Fed, to the lively tune of $62.1 billion.

Additional background information on some of the investment practices engaged in by ML over several years immediately preceding the $62.1B secret bailout:

DealBook-NYTimes reported on January 25, 2011:  “Merrill Lynch Settles S.E.C. Fraud Case”

Merrill Lynch “agreed to pay $10 million on Tuesday to settle fraud accusations by securities regulators.”

“The Securities and Exchange Commission had accused Merrill of fraud, saying that the firm misused private information from its customers to place trades on its own behalf and that the firm repeatedly charged its customers trading fees without their knowledge.”


The Leviticus 25 Plan provides a mechanism for U.S. citizens to be granted the same direct liquidity access that was provided to Merrill Lynch and numerous other global financial heavyweights at the height of the financial crisis.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$75,000 per U.S. citizen – Leviticus 25 Plan 2020 (3372 downloads)