Economic meltdown Fall 2008: Fed and Treasury run “secret liquidity lifelines” to the big dogs of finance (Bloomberg)

As the banking crisis intensified in the Fall of 2008, with major banking institutions assuming (or on the verge of assuming) ‘underwater’ status, the Federal Reserve ran quickly to the rescue with secret liquidity lifelines” (Bloomberg 8-22-11).

The Fed substantially eased some important collateral rules for banks, “meaning that banks that could once borrow only against sound collateral, like Treasury bills or AAA-rated corporate bonds, could now borrow against pretty much anything – including some of the mortgage-backed sewage that got us into this mess in the first place….  ‘All of a sudden, banks were allowed to post absolute [expletive deleted] to the Fed’s balance sheet,’ [according to] the manager of the prominent hedge fund.” (Source: Bailout Hustle, Matt Taibbi).

The Federal Reserve invented various “facilities” to fire-hose liquidity out to the big banks and big brokerage firms, including these:

Primary Dealers’ Credit Facility                                            

Term Securities Lending Facility                                                          

Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program                                      

Commercial Paper Funding Facility                                               

Term Auction Facility                                                              

Public Private Investment Program

And, here we go – from the top:

Top recipient – Morgan Stanley                                                 

Morgan Stanley, facing a crisis of confidence after the fall of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., got a $9 billion injection from Japanese bank Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. and agreed to take a $10 billion bailout from the U.S. Treasury to shore up capital. As hedge-fund customers pulled funds out of the New York-based firm, it plugged the hole with $107.3 billion of secret loans from the Federal Reserve’s Primary Dealer Credit Facility and Term Securities Lending Facility, set up earlier in the year to supply brokerage firms with emergency financing.”


The Leviticus 25 Plan does not seek to ‘interrupt’ or reverse any of the special relationships that have developed in the Fed’s financial sphere.  It only seeks to level the playing field – by providing U.S. citizens the same access to direct liquidity flows that  the big banks enjoyed ‘in their time of need.’

The Leviticus 25 Plan proposes one additional upgrade to the Fed’s liquidity lines:   U.S. Citizens Credit Facility.

U.S. citizens should demand nothing less. We need it now.





Big government central-planning and the strange case of REOs… And why America needs a new plan. The Leviticus 25 Plan.

Millions of home loans have fallen into “distressed status” over the past 5 years, as the economy began shriveling up and American families began losing income and falling behind on their mortgage payments.

At a certain point in time lenders (banks, government agencies / loan insurers) file  foreclosure notices on these distressed properties.  A significant number of days may then pass before the process moves on to the next step. The delinquent homeowner may request a short-sale – which the lender may or may not allow.  Or the lender may proceed on to a foreclosure auction.

The “foreclosing beneficiary” (the ‘lender) will set the opening bid for the amount owed on the loan (or the ‘outstanding loan amount’).  And if there are no interested parties willing to bid at that ‘set’ price, then the foreclosing beneficiary comes to legally repossess the property.

These lender-owned properties are known as Real Estate Owned (REO) properties, and are listed on their books as non-performing assets.

RealtyTrac forecasts 500,000 REOs for 2013.  That’s an average of over 1360 “lender repossessions” per day, for each and every day of the year.  That’s over 1360 families daily – losing their homes to banks and government agencies.

And now some big firms like the hedgefund, Blackstone, have been stepping in to buy up these ‘lender-owned’ properties, in mass, in certain markets like Phoenix and Tampa, with support from an “ongoing government-subsidized, GSE/FHFA endorsed REO-to-Rent initiative.”  (ZeroHedge 3-14-13)

Blackstone’s plan is to get the properties fixed up and rented out — with rent-paying tenants in place.

And then they plan to securitize these tranches – similar to the good old mortgage securitizations (MBSs) that were so popular during the housing bubble (the one that ‘popped’ in the Fall of 2008 and pushed the banks underwater and sent the U.S. economy into a tailspin).

So… here is a quick summary.  Homeowners in America (500,000 this year alone) will ‘exit’ their homes as those homes are legally repossessed by lenders (the ‘foreclosing beneficiary’) – banks and government agencies.  The U.S. government then enters the scene to subsidize (yes, SUBSIDIZE) the sale of these homes from the repossessing lender to a hedgefund to turn into rentals for eventual securitization and sale as an  income-producing investment vehicle.

This scheme is a “government-subsidized, GSE/FHFA endorsed REO-to-Rent initiative, through which large asset managers have been encouraged to take advantage of government funded, risk-free financing and purchase foreclosed properties in bulk, with the intention of converting them into rental properties. The REO-To-Rent has traditionally been open to the biggest of financial companies, or at least those who don’t have the stigma of legacy mortgage origination resulting in billions in litigation reserves, which means mostly hedge funds and PE firms.” (ZeroHedge 3-14-13)


The Leviticus 25 Plan offers a preferred alternative.

Instead of the U.S. government again bailing out the banks by subsidizing the sale of these non-performing assets to investment companies, The Leviticus 25 Plan keeps American families in their homes, so the problem doesn’t develop in the first place.

It is unconscionable that the U.S. government offers no mechanism to provide liquidity to financially distressed American families, but it will provide liquidity to distressed banks to move distressed properties off their books – and into the hands of hedgefunds for ‘grooming’ as securitized investments.

There is only one plan in America that will re-ignite real economic growth, pay for itself over a 10-15 year period, and deliver substantial ‘ground-level’ benefits to Americans.

The Leviticus 25 Plan.

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how it works (one of the aspects of Fed ‘liquidity funneling’ to the Primary Dealers)…

When the Fed auctions off various financial securities each month (to raise funds to cover monthly deficits), each of those securities is identified by a specific Identification number.  This unique number is called a “CUSIP.” This acronym stands for the “Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures.”

Note this more complete definition:  Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures  –  A board that assigns a nine-digit number to every stock and registered bond that trades in the United States. CUSIP is owned by the American Bankers Association and is operated by S&P. A CUSIP number facilitates trade and settlement by making each security unique from every other of the same class. CUSIP numbers are recorded in each trade. 

Well… on February 14, 2013, the Fed auctioned off some 30-year Bonds (note the CUSIP – “912810QZ4”):

TREASURY AUCTION RESULTS                                                                              

Term and Type of Security 30-Year Bond                                                            

CUSIP Number 912810QZ4                                                                                      

Series Bonds of February 2043

The auction bidders typically include the Primary Dealers, the direct (non-Primary Dealer) bidders and the Indirect Bidders (Central Banks).

The Primary Dealers enjoy a practically conjugal relationship with the Fed, and they are obligated, in accordance with that special to ‘take’ or ‘buy’ whatever portion of the debt auction not bid/purchased by the other bidders.  And that is generally substantial.  According the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the “primary dealers alone account for 70.9 percent of Treasu8ry securities sold to the public, on average.

Immediately following the Valentine’s Day auction this year (5 days later, on February 19, 2013), the Fed ‘bought back’ the majority of that very same 2-14-13 CUSIP ($39 billion worth – see below) from the Primary Dealers (who were unable to ‘move’ that paper to their clients and did not wish, themselves, to ‘sit on it’).

The Fed repurchases this ‘paper’ in Permanent Open Market Operations (POMOs) and the paper then ‘sits’ in the Fed’s System Open Market Account (SOMA).   The Government then ‘pays interest to itself on money that it borrowed from itself.”

And, guess who gets paid a healthy commission to ‘take’ the paper, and then shuffle it back to the Fed…?

That’s right —  the Primary Dealers (see who they are here).

This would be the equivalent of making a purchase at a Wal-mart, then then returning the product, and being paid a commission to boot.  Here is the 2-19-13 POMO summary (note the same CUSIP “912810QZ4” for $39 billion):

And… the Fed ‘funnels’ a lot of money through the Primary Dealers. Note the blue line (2009-2013) on this chart – courtesy of The Wall Street Examiner:

Fed Cash to Primary Dealers 7/17/13 - Click to enlarge


The Fed’s ‘liquidity funneling’ maneuvers have been weakening the Dollar (vs hard assets) over the past 4 years (inflation).  And very little of the ‘liquidity’ benefits are reaching American families.

It is time for a change.

 The Leviticus 25 Plan.

Federal Reserve, Part 2: “Infinite fiat” – promoting the concentration of wealth in the coffers of big banks, power brokers and the super-wealthy…

An inside look at the Fed – continued.
Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,
Courtesy of ZeroHedge 7-11-13 / Excerpts:
The Fed has infinite fiat, though they try to disguise that fact. It takes no more effort for them to loan a trillion dollars than a million dollars. They will never run out of zeros in their computer system. The zero keys on their keyboards will always function. No matter how much they can print, they always have available an infinitely greater amount of fiat that they can still print. Printing money requires nearly zero effort and zero cost on their part. They don’t get worn out from printing money.
This whole concept of infinite fiat is hard for people to grasp; it is something outside of their experience. People’s lifelong experience with money is that it is a limited resource. It is hard to conceive of a group of people who have unlimited, infinite money. Yet the Federal Reserve has just that. The Fed is not like a doctor who prescribes a short-term stimulus for a patient who is feeling run down. The Fed is not like a parent who temporarily puts training wheels on a bike until the kid learns how to ride it. These metaphors make people think that the Fed’s fiat printing is temporary and limited. It is not.
Its money printing abilities are permanent and unlimited. The Fed also puts on a show about agonizing over the decision of whether to print money. That make it seem like they are agonizing over whether to pull a sum of carefully saved cash out of their vault. But when they lend to Uncle Sam, they do not pull cash out of a vault that has a finite amount of cash in it. They instead get it from a computer that has the capability of printing unlimited zeros.
Summary: The Fed has infinite fiat. It is not limited by any conceivable shortage, or because of Keynesian stimulus theory, or because the Fed has the role of a doctor, or because the Fed’s role is to put training wheels on the economy from time to time, or because it is hard for it to print fiat and there are only so many hours in a day. They have infinite fiat. Their printing is limited only by how much they think they can get away with and their calculations of how they will benefit from it.
So that brings up the final question I shall deal with today. That is, “How does printing money benefit the Fed? Is it better from their point of view to print or not to print?”
The first point in response to this is that they want the government hooked on their printing. They want to be indispensable to the government. A government that balances it budget or reduces the national debt to zero (as the Jackson administration did) is the opposite of what they want.
The Fed’s power over government is similar to the power a drug pusher has over a junkie. As long as the junkie is doing what the pusher wants, the supply of drugs is uninterrupted. If the junkie does not pay, the supply is cut off. If the pusher wants to jack up the price at any time, he can do so. If the junkie objects, his supply is cut off. So here we see it is in the Fed’s interest usually to maintain the supply, but the supply may also be cut off from time to time in order to ratchet up its power over its victim.”
The big banks always benefit from more printing. They profit from it. To the extent that they are cut off from it, they lose money. So from the standpoint of the big banks, the bias is always to print. Note that the Fed can maintain its supply to the banks while cutting off the government. The Fed’s owners must always be served; the government is instead to be manipulated, enslaved and controlled under the guise of serving.
Any active defiance of the Fed is a danger signal for investors. The Fed can cut off the government at any time, thus precipitating economic chaos so as to quash rebellion. At present I do not see any serious defiance of the Fed anywhere.
The Fed’s main goal is to increase the profits of the big banks. That goal is consistent with increased profits for all firms and prosperity in general, so long as the banks and the elites grab the largest share of the profits.
But that goal is also served in the long run by boom-and-bust cycles that have a ratcheting effect of concentrating wealth in the hands of the wealthy. The clued-in super-wealthy can profit both as bulls and as bears, and can purchase prized assets cheaply at the bottom of the cycle (on easy credit from their friends at the Fed).
It is a Clausewitzian principle that individuals, organizations and nations will expand their power until some superior or equal power effectively opposes them and stops them. Because the Fed’s power has no equal, we can expect the Fed’s power to continue to increase indefinitely.
That “superior power,” to halt the grinding advance of debt enslavement in America, is American people.  And the plan for change is currently available – with direct credit extensions for American citizens.
The Leviticus 25 Plan.

The Federal Reserve, Part 1: Promoting ‘debt enslavement’ for America…

Excerpts from Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,
Courtesy of ZeroHedge 7-11-13                                                                                                          
“…The essence of the Fed and … why the financial Status Quo is doomed.
People are confused about the Fed, and I think it would be better if everybody had a clear understanding of what the Federal Reserve is and what it is not.
First of all, the Federal government thinks of the Federal Reserve as a service bureau, whose function it is to print money that the government can spend. As long as the Federal Reserve performs that function–reliably printing, let’s say, a trillion or more each year to top off the Federal budget–then Congress will be happy with the Federal Reserve (their rainmaker) and will follow its advice and try to keep it happy.
It should be emphasized here that the whole Keynesian smokescreen and sideshow has very little to do with the reality of the relationship here. The Federal Reserve’s job is not just to lend Uncle Sam some money during a recession so as to provide temporary stimulus. The Fed is a milk cow for Uncle Sam. Its job is to give milk all the time.
So to summarize this first point, the Fed is a service bureau for the Federal government whose job it is to provide the government with freshly printed fiat every year [in the form of selling ‘Treasury bonds to fund Federal deficits, but it does not “print money” in the sense of adding money to the nation’s money supply. It borrows money by selling newly issued U.S. Treasury bonds.’].
The Fed is also a service bureau to the big banks that own it. Its job is to give unfair advantage to those banks, either by granting them low-interest loans that can be rolled over into infinity, or by buying their bad debts and disposing of them properly, or by doing any number of other special favors for them that increase their profits and executive bonuses. The Fed is not independent in the sense that it is self-governing. It must provide service to the banks who own it and to the Federal government, which controls its legal environment. Big banks have owned and controlled the Fed since its inception in 1913.
Summary: The Fed is also a service bureau to the big banks. It is not as independent as it proclaims itself to be; it provides services for its owners. Its owners have a profit motive.
The Fed also has its own institutional agenda. It wants to expand and increase its own power. It wants to operate in a safe and predictable environment. It wants to eliminate threats. The Fed advances its own agenda by printing or withholding money. As time goes on, the Fed has asserted more and more control over government. The Federal government is now addicted to freshly printed debt-money. This gives the Fed enormous power over the government.
The big banks who own the Fed also dominate Congress and the Obama administration due to the massive bribes they deliver each year. Thus over time the Federal Reserve has become more and more the master: what it wants it gets, what it doesn’t want doesn’t happen.
Summary: The Fed is also a selfish, power-seeking institution.
Some people think the Fed prints money, but when you ask Ben B. about it, he says, “The Fed does not print money. We lend money.” Printing money is easy to visualize and understand. Lending money is also easy to understand; it’s what banks do. But what the Fed does is somewhat more difficult to understand. To put it into one phrase, “they print debt-money.” They print money, but each dollar they print has the chains of debt attached to it. Each dollar they print represents a debt that somebody owes.
A Federal Reserve note is an IOU from the Fed that says “we owe you one dollar.” There does exist in the world paper money that is not debt-money, but the Fed does not traffic in that. As the Fed prints more debt-money, they tighten the chains of debt enslaving the government and the people.
A national debt of $1 trillion is manageable. It might be paid off in a few years. But a debt of $17 trillion is permanently enslaving (unless it is defaulted upon).  Ben’s printing press, then, is also an enslaving press. If Americans were to try to default on $17 trillion of debt, The Powers That Be would unleash their full wrath on the American people.
Summary: Ben B. runs a printing press that is also a debt-enslaving press. We are wrong to focus just on the inflationary effects of his money printing. We should also be alarmed by the enslaving effects.
Full article:  ZeroHedge 7-11-13
Note:  As bad as the debt numbers are, the real U.S. debt / deficit numbers are not even referenced.  The U.S. Net Present Value (NPV) of unfunded liabilities puts the total debt up in the range of $80-100 trillion
The U.S. has averaged over $5 trillion in annual deficits for each of the past 5 years (on an NPV basis). As economist/statistician John Williams notes:  At $5 trillion per year, you could take all of the money earned by all Americans, and you’d still have a deficit.
The debt is “beyond containment.”
America needs to change course.
The Leviticus 25 Plan.

Stockman: Fed has been “relentlessly pumping freshly minted cash into the bank accounts” of the 21 Primary Dealers. After 5 years: little effect beyond camouflaging “the failing internals of the American economy.”

David Stockman – “The Great Deformation”                                                          Accessed from ZeroHedge                                                                                     [Excerpts]

The Wall Street meltdown of September 2008 accelerated the recessionary forces already in motion, causing a total job loss of 7.3 million between the December 2007 peak and the end of the recession in June 2009. That the Fed’s bubble finance had camouflaged the failing internals of the American economy then became starkly apparent. Nearly three-fourths of this reduction was accounted for by the above mentioned loss of 5.6 million breadwinner jobs; that is, nearly 8 percent of their pre-recession total.

That devastating hit left the nation with only 66.2 million prime jobs and set the clock back to the level of early 1998. This is an astonishing fact:  before any of the Greenspan-Bernanke maneuvers to coddle Wall Street and pump up the wealth effects elixir—that is, the 1998 LTCM bailout, the 2001–2003 rate-cutting panic, the August 2007 Bernanke Put, and the Fed’s post-Lehman tripling of its balance sheet – there were more breadwinner jobs than there are today. Since the BlackBerry Panic the Fed has relentlessly pumped freshly minted cash into the bank accounts of the twenty-one government bond dealers. Not surprisingly, therefore, there has been a jarringly divergent outcome between Wall Street and Main Street.

By September 2012, the S&P 500 was up by 115 percent from its recession lows and had recovered all of its losses from the peak of the second Greenspan bubble. By contrast, only 200,000 of the 5.6 million lost breadwinner jobs had been recovered by that same point in time. To be sure, the Fed’s Wall Street shills breathlessly reported the improved jobs “print” every month, picking and choosing starting and ending points and using continuously revised and seasonally maladjusted data to support that illusion. Yet the fundamentals with respect to breadwinner jobs could not be obfuscated.

On the eve of the 2012 election, for example, there were 18.3 million jobs in the goods-producing sectors: manufacturing, mining, and construction. These core sectors of the productive economy had taken a beating during the Great Recession, shedding 3.5 million jobs, or 15 percent. Yet after three and a half years of so-called recovery, the jobs count in the goods-producing sectors had not rebounded in the slightest; it had actually declined slightly from the 18.5 million jobs recorded at the end of the recession in June 2009.

Likewise, there were 7.8 million jobs in finance, insurance, and real estate, meaning virtually no gain from the 7.7 million jobs at the end of the recession.

In short, after forty months of “recovery” there was virtually no change in every category of breadwinner jobs that had been slammed by the Great Recession.

Thus, there had been 130.8 million total jobs in January 2000, and this figure had reached 138.0 million by the December 2007 peak. The Great Recession sent the jobs count tumbling all the way back to the starting point, actually dipping slightly lower to 130.6 million by June 2009. Then, after forty months of “recovery,” the BLS reported 133.5 million nonfarm payroll jobs for September 2012. The Bernanke bubble had thus “recreated” only 40 percent of the jobs that had been “created” by the Greenspan bubble the first time around.”

Full report – accessed from ZeroHedge


The Leviticus 25 Plan initiates economic recovery at ‘ground level’ in America.  It provides direct credit extensions to American citizens for the express purpose of eliminating debt at the family level.

Big government central planning has been a dismal failure.

It is time for a fresh start – one that advances the cause of economic liberty in America.

The Leviticus 25 Plan.

Bloomberg: major banks have been ‘rigging’ $4.7 trillion-per-day currency markets

Some of the very banks that received trillions of dollars in cash transfusions and loan guarantees from the Federal Reserve and U.S. government – at tax-payer expense, directly or indirectly – are now “manipulating benchmark foreign-exchange rates used to set the value of trillions of dollars of investments, according to a Bloomberg investigation.”

ZeroHedge 6-12-2013:                                                                                               Banks Rig $4.7 Trillion A Day Currency Markets To Profit Off Clients                        [Excerpts]

“Employees have been front-running client orders and rigging WM/Reuters rates by pushing through trades before and during the 60-second windows when the benchmarks are set, said five current and former traders, who requested anonymity because the practice is controversial.

Dealers colluded with counterparts to boost chances of moving the rates, said two of the people, who worked in the industry for a total of more than 20 years.

The behavior occurred daily in the spot foreign-exchange market and has been going on for at least a decade, affecting the value of funds and derivatives and all investments.

The Financial Conduct Authority, Britain’s markets supervisor, is considering opening a probe into potential manipulation of the rates, according to a person briefed on the matter.

Informed observers have long warned that the global $4.7-trillion-a-day foreign exchange market, the biggest in the financial system has all the hallmarks of a casino.

The inherent conflict banks face between executing client orders and profiting from their own trades is exacerbated because most currency trading takes place away from exchanges.

“The price mechanism is the anchor of our entire economic system,” said Tom Kirchmaier, a fellow in the financial-markets group at the London School of Economics. “Any rigging of the price mechanism leads to a misallocation of capital and is extremely costly to society.”


The traders interviewed by Bloomberg News declined to identify which banks engaged in manipulative practices and didn’t specifically allege that any of the top four firms were involved. Spokesmen for Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, Barclays and UBS declined to comment.

It is becoming increasingly evident that many key financial markets are being rigged and manipulated by banks and central banks today. Some of the manipulation is overt, some is covert.

The world’s largest banks are fixing prices in many key markets and benchmarks which is affecting the value of money itself and will ultimately leading to the value of money in your pocket becoming worth much less.”   Full article


And the key question remains… “If America chooses to continue transfusing billions-trillions of dollars to major banks (which continue ton engage in “overt” or “covert” criminal activity –  according to Bloomberg) – at the expense of U.S. taxpayers and others around the world, then shouldn’t honest American citizens also be granted the provision of direct credit extensions to resolve financial stresses at ‘ground level’ in America?

Answer:  Yes.

The Leviticus 25 Plan.

2009-2011: Fed QE and big-government central planning primarily benefitted the wealthy. It is time now for a catch-up plan with broad-based benefits for all Americans: The Leviticus 25 Plan.

PEW Research, April 23, 2013:                                                      

A Rise in Wealth for the Wealthy; Declines for the Lower 93%  


“During the first two years of the nation’s economic recovery, the mean net worth of households in the upper 7% of the wealth distribution rose by an estimated 28%, while the mean net worth of households in the lower 93% dropped by 4%, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of newly released Census Bureau data.”

“From 2009 to 2011, the mean wealth of the 8 million households in the more affluent group rose to an estimated $3,173,895 from an estimated $2,476,244, while the mean wealth of the 111 million households in the less affluent group fell to an estimated $133,817 from an estimated $139,896.”


The Leviticus 25 Plan broadens out economic benefits for all Americans.

Key benefits:

1. Provide direct liquidity infusions to all American citizens.

2. Optimize the allocation of health-care services and spending (including Medicare and Medicaid).

3. Improve the economic climate for U.S. small businesses.

4. Improve employment opportunities for all Americans.

5. Generate a long-term, healthy stream of tax revenue for government (federal, state, local).

6. Reduce the cost of government.

7. Stabilize the U.S. housing market.

8. Stabilize the U.S. banking system – and moderate risk dangers from certain derivatives and rehypothication stratagies.

9. Reduce the scope of social programs and their control over U.S. citizens.

The Leviticus 25 Plan will revitalize economic progress and incentives for all Americans.

Big banks, criminal enterprise, and favorable treatments

One of the main underlying presumptions of The Leviticus 25 Plan is that U.S. citizens should be treated with the same deference that many of the ‘too big to fail’ banks have received (and continue to receive).

Take HSBC, for instance.  This major U.K. banking titan (formerly the Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corp) and current Fed-approved Primary Dealer, had purchased massive levels of credit default swaps from AIG  by the fall of 2008 – evidently without checking on the creditworthiness (and reserve levels) of AIG.

The housing bubble popped that fall, and AIG went ‘toes up’ as their counterparties (HSBC and numerous others) sought to collect.

The U.S. government immediately stepped in to fully fund (100 cents on the dollar) a $90 billion payout (“collateral postings”) to the major AIG counterparties involved.  

HSBC Holdings received a pass-through payment, courtesy of U.S. taxpayers, of $3.5 billion.

And… it was recently revealed that HSBC has been running “the largest drug-and-terrorism money laundering case ever” uncovered by the Justice Department.  The penalty – a slap on the wrist.                                                                                        

The Leviticus 25 Plan proposes that U.S. citizens be accorded the same financial deference that banking conglomerates like HSBC have been receiving.

REUTERSHSBC among banks that received AIG payouts (03-16 12:59)
American International Group has disclosed that US and European banks such as HSBC have been among the biggest beneficiaries of the up to US$180 billion (HK$1.4 trillion) taxpayer bailout of the insurer.
AIG disclosed that more than US$90 billion has been paid to banks through collateral postings under credit default swaps, payments to CDS counterparties and payments to securities lending counterparties from September 16 to the end of December.Based on data provided by AIG, the largest recipients of funds are:
Goldman Sachs Group US$$12.9 billion
Societe Generale US$11.9 billion
Deutsche Bank US$11.8 billion
Barclays US$8.5 billion
Merrill Lynch US$6.8 billion
Bank of America Corp US$5.2 billion
UBS US$5 billion
BNP Paribas US$4.9 billion
HSBC Holdings US$3.5 billion
Dresdner US$2.6 billion
(Excerpts from Rolling Stone)
February 14, 2013 8:00 AM ET
The deal was announced quietly, just before the holidays, almost like the government was hoping people were too busy hanging stockings by the fireplace to notice. Flooring politicians, lawyers and investigators all over the world, the U.S. Justice Department granted a total walk to executives of the British-based bank HSBC for the largest drug-and-terrorism money-laundering case ever. Yes, they issued a fine – $1.9 billion, or about five weeks’ profit – but they didn’t extract so much as one dollar or one day in jail from any individual, despite a decade of stupefying abuses.   
For at least half a decade, the storied British colonial banking power helped to wash hundreds of millions of dollars for drug mobs, including Mexico’s Sinaloa drug cartel, suspected in tens of thousands of murders just in the past 10 years – people so totally evil, jokes former New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, that “they make the guys on Wall Street look good.”  The bank also moved money for organizations linked to Al Qaeda and Hezbollah, and for Russian gangsters; helped countries like Iran, the Sudan and North Korea evade sanctions; and, in between helping murderers and terrorists and rogue states, aided countless common tax cheats in hiding their cash.                     
“They violated every [sic] law in the book,” says Jack Blum, an attorney and former Senate investigator who headed a major bribery investigation against Lockheed in the 1970s that led to the passage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. “They took every imaginable form of illegal and illicit business.”                                                         
In April 2003, with 9/11 still fresh in the minds of American regulators, the Federal Reserve sent HSBC’s American subsidiary a cease-and-desist­ letter, ordering it to clean up its act and make a better effort to keep criminals and terrorists from opening accounts at its bank. One of the bank’s bigger customers, for instance, was Saudi Arabia’s Al Rajhi bank, which had been linked by the CIA and other government agencies to terrorism.
According to a document cited in a Senate report, one of the bank’s founders, Sulaiman bin Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi, was among 20 early financiers of Al Qaeda, a member of what Osama bin Laden himself apparently called the “Golden Chain.” In 2003, the CIA wrote a confidential report about the bank, describing Al Rajhi as a “conduit for extremist finance.” In the report, details of which leaked to the public by 2007, the agency noted that Sulaiman Al Rajhi consciously worked to help Islamic “charities” hide their true nature, ordering the bank’s board to “explore financial instruments that would allow the bank’s charitable contributions to avoid official Saudi scrutiny.” (The bank has denied any role in financing extremists.)
For more than half a decade, a whopping $19 billion in transactions involving Iran went through the American financial system, with the Iranian connection kept hidden in 75 to 90 percent of those transactions. HSBC has been headquartered in England for more than two decades – it’s Europe’s largest bank, in fact – but it has major subsidiary operations in every corner of the world. What’s come out in this investigation is that the chiefs in the parent company often knew about shady transactions when the regional subsidiary did not. In the case of banned Iranian transactions, for instance, there are multiple e-mails from HSBC’s compliance head, David Bagley, in which he admits that HSBC’s American subsidiary probably has no clue that HSBC Europe has been sending it buttloads of banned Iranian money.
By that time, numerous agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, had crawled all the way up HSBC’s backside, among other things examining it as part of a major international narcotics investigation. In one four-year period between 2006 and 2009, an astonishing $200 trillion in wire transfers (including from high-risk countries like Mexico) went through without any monitoring at all. The bank also failed to do due diligence on the purchase of an incredible $9 billion in physical U.S. dollars from Mexico and played a key role in the so-called Black Market Peso Exchange, which allowed drug cartels in both Mexico and Colombia to convert U.S. dollars from drug sales into pesos to be used back home. Drug agents discovered that dealers in Mexico were building special cash boxes to fit the precise dimensions of HSBC teller windows.                                                                                               
Former bailout inspector and federal prosecutor Neil Barofsky, who has helped secure numerous foreign money-laundering indictments, points out that the people HSBC was doing business with, like Colombia’s Norte del Valle and Mexico’s Sinaloa cartels, were “the worst trafficking organizations imaginable” – groups that don’t just commit murder on a mass scale but are known for beheadings, torture videos (“the new thing now,” he says) and other atrocities, none of which happens without money launderers. It’s for this reason, Barofsky says, that drug prosecutors are not shy about dropping heavy prison sentences on launderers. “Frankly, our view of money-laundering was that it was on par with, and as significant as, the traffickers themselves,” he says.
Barofsky was involved in the first extradition of a Colombian national (Pablo Trujillo, a member of the same cartel that HSBC moved money for) on money­laundering charges. “That guy got 10 years,” says Barofsky. “HSBC was doing the same thing, only on a much larger scale than my schmuck was doing.”
American citizens deserve at least as much regard from its own government as major banking conglomerates have been receiving, particularly those engaging in blatant criminal activity.
The Leviticus 25 Plan.

Fed QE flows – primarily going to foreign banks. Along with ‘billions’ in interest.

Source:  Zero Hedge 2/11/13:  “How The Fed Is Handing Over Billions In “Profits” To Foreign Banks Each Year

Fed QE flows over the past 4 years, dating back to March 2009, show that foreign banks have been the primary recipients of “cash generated by Fed excess reserves.”

Small domestic banks and large domestic bank cash reserves have been flat to modestly higher (a ‘steady’ $800 billion) over the 4-year period, while “Foreign Banks” have nearly doubled their cash reserves during that same time – from the newly created reserves.

This was confirmed by the Fed itself, which in a paper from November 2012, admitted just this when it said that “the recent unprecedented build-up of cash balances by [foreign banks] was almost entirely composed of excess reserves.”

And where does this “foreign bank” cash ‘park itself?’ 

Answer:  These foreign bank excess cash reserves are parked at “Reserve Banks” – currently about $954 billion, earning 0.25% interest (which the Fed decided to start paying out in December 2008).

The “Fed paid some $6 billion in interest to foreign banks, in the process subsidizing and keeping insolvent European and other foreign banks, in business and explicitly to the detriment of countless US-based banks who have to compete with Fed-funded foreign banks and who have to fire countless workers courtesy of this Fed subsidy to foreign workers.”

“From December 2008 through the last week of January [2013], the Fed has paid out some $6 billion in cash (red line) to European banks simply as interest on excess reserves:”

“But that’s just the beginning. If we are correct in assuming that QE3 will be a replica of QE2 when all the new reserves created ended up as cash on foreign bank balance sheets, it means that we can quite accurately forecast what the total foreign bank cash position will be on December 31, 2013 (as the Fed will certainly not end its open ended monetization of the US deficit before then, or likely, ever). The result: just under $2 trillion in cash held by foreign banks operating in the US, which also means that in calendar 2013, the Fed will fund and subsidize foreign banks a blended interest payment of $3.5 billion! This is entirely separate from the $2 trillion liquidity subsidy that Bernanke will also have handed out to keep these banks afloat, and is $3.5 billion that will flow right through the P&L and end up in the pockets of offshore shareholders who otherwise would very likely be wiped out had it not been for the Fed’s relentless efforts to bailout foreign banks.”


If foreign banks are deserving of Federal Reserve-generated liquidity flows, then U.S. citizens are equally deserving.

It is time for U.S. citizens themselves to move to the head of the line – and receive their own credit extensions direct from the Federal Reserve.

The Leviticus 25 Plan.