Message for America, 2023 – Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen

Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen – 1931 essay:

“America, it is said, is suffering from intolerance – it is not.  It is suffering from tolerance. Tolerance of right and wrong, truth and error, virtue and evil, Christ and chaos. Our country is not nearly so overrun with the bigoted as it is overrun with the broadminded.”

“Tolerance is an attitude of reasoned patience toward evil … a forbearance that restrains us from showing anger or inflicting punishment. Tolerance applies only to persons … never to truth. Tolerance applies to the erring, intolerance to the error … Architects are as intolerant about sand as foundations for skyscrapers as doctors are intolerant about germs in the laboratory.

Tolerance does not apply to truth or principles. About these things we must be intolerant, and for this kind of intolerance, so much needed to rouse us from sentimental gush, I make a plea. Intolerance of this kind is the foundation of all stability.”

“The refusal to take sides on great moral issues is itself a decision. It is a silent acquiescence to evil. The Tragedy of our time is that those who still believe in honesty lack fire and conviction, while those who believe in dishonesty are full of passionate conviction.”

Worker Shortages and Big Government Programs “Paying Americans Not to Work” vs The Leviticus 25 Plan

Paying Americans Not to WorkCommittee To Unleash Prosperity

A Family of Four Can Receive over $100,000 Annualized Equivalent in Cash and
Benefits in Three States, and over $80,000 in 14 States, with No One Working

Casey Mulligan is a Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, who served as Chief Economist at the White House Council of Economic Advisors. EJ Antoni is a Research Fellow for Regional Economics in The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis. Both are Senior Fellows at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

Executive Summary
In a previous study in 2021 we estimated that with supplemental unemployment benefits of up to $600 a month, food stamp expansions, child tax credit payments, and other special Covid-related benefits to families without anyone working could exceed $120,000 in many states. Those extra benefits had a highly negative effect on employment, particularly in the states with the highest benefits.

Those temporary benefits have expired but this study finds that even with existing unemployment benefits and the dramatic recent expansion of ObamaCare subsidies, a spouse would have to earn more than $80,000 a year from a 40 hour a week job to have the same after-tax income as certain families with two unemployed spouses receiving government benefits. In these states, working 40 hours a week and earning $20 an hour would mean a slight REDUCTION in income compared to two parents receiving unemployment benefits and health care subsidies.

This study also finds:
• In 24 states, unemployment benefits and ACA subsidies for a family of four with both parents not working are the annualized equivalent of at least the national median household income.
• In 5 states, those two programs provide the same family with both parents not working the annualized equivalent of at least the national median household income and benefits.
• In 14 states, unemployment benefits and ACA subsidies are the equivalent to a head of household earning $80,000 in salary, plus health insurance benefits.
This is a higher wage than is earned by the national median secondary school teacher, electrician, trucker, machinist, and many other jobs.
• In more than half the states, unemployment benefits and ACA subsidies exceed the value of the salary and benefits of the average firefighter, truck driver, machinist, or retail associate in those states.
• In a dozen states, unemployment benefits and ACA subsidies exceed the value of the salary and benefits of the average teacher, construction worker, or electrician in those states.
• A family of four with income over $227,000 qualifies for ACA subsidies in all states and families earning over $300,000 a year still qualify for ACA subsidies in 40 states and DC.

Fig. 1: Highest Benefit States for Not Working and National Median Income Plus Benefits for Selected Occupations

Disincentive crisis: Many states pay families unemployment benefits larger than job salaries


America’s Main Street Republicans have a solution to these types of big-government perverse outcomes – one that will deliver a ‘helping hand’ up to a new live of debt elimination and financial security for hard-working, tax-paying U.S. citizens – rather than ongoing government handouts and debt serfdom.

This dynamic plan will generate federal budget surpluses, state budget surpluses, citizen-centered healthcare, and economic liberty for all Americans.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$90,000 per U.S. citizen – Leviticus 25 Plan 2023 (5516 downloads)

18 Republican Senators, “The Ugliest Omnibus Bill Ever,” and The Leviticus 25 Plan

The Ugliest Omnibus Bill Ever – WSJ

Congress will pass a 4,155-page bill most Members will never read.

By The Editorial Board, Dec. 20, 2022 6:40 pm ET – Excerpts:

The 117th Congress has been the most spendthrift in history, and this week it plans to go out with one final bipartisan back-slapping hurrah—a 4,155-page omnibus spending bill that is the worst in history. This is no way to govern in a democracy, but here we are….

Democrats failed in their duty to pass normal spending bills, so they are using this omnibus to finance all of government with $1.65 trillion for fiscal 2023. But wait, it’s worse. Congress is also adding major policy changes many of which deserve separate votes or couldn’t pass by themselves—from healthcare to presidential election rules to regulation of the beauty industry (see nearby).

A bill this large—1,500 pages more than last year’s omnibus—can’t be all bad, and this contains a few bright spots. One is $858 billion for defense, a 9.7% increase. That’s $45 billion more than President Biden sought, and it will backfill dwindling weapons stocks, give military members a 4.6% pay raise, and help stabilize the naval fleet, among other urgent needs…

Republicans claim they’ve broken the longtime Democratic demand for defense-non-defense spending “parity,” but that’s not clear. The GOP says non-defense discretionary is $787 billion, a 7.9% increase, which is on top of the $4.6 trillion Congress has already spent over two years….

The domestic accounts include increases for food stamps, heating assistance, Pell grants and Head Start. The bill provides a $25 million funding boost for the National Labor Relations Board, which now exists to harass business on behalf of Big Labor. There’s a 30% increase for the Child Care and Development Block Grant Program, which the left hopes to build into a universal entitlement.

Republicans are boasting about a symbolic $275 million cut to the IRS’s annual budget—but that’s a drop in the $80 billion gusher bestowed on the agency in August. The overall discretionary pot holds as much as $16 billion in earmarks—including $656 million in parting gifts for retiring Senate Appropriations Vice Chairman Richard Shelby….

The political process here is as bad as most of the policy. Major changes in law deserve their own debate and vote. Instead, a handful of powerful legislators wrote this vast bill in a backroom. Members can use the need to fund the government as an excuse to say they supported, or opposed, specific provisions as future politics demands.

This didn’t have to be. Congress could pass a short-term funding bill and kick this mess to next year when the GOP House would have more leverage. A few Republicans are suggesting they may try to delay a Senate vote, and please do. For trying to stick the country with this omnibus, Congress should miss Christmas.



The U.S. Department of Mascara – WSJ

The omnibus bill gives the FDA new power to police the beauty aisle, since it did so well with baby formula.

By The Editorial Board, Dec. 20, 2022 – Excerpts:

Some 3,500 pages into the bill arrives the “Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022,” and by “modernization” Congress means giving the federal bureaucracy more power. Peddlers of lotions and lip gloss now will have to register their facilities, report “adverse events,” and abide by stipulated manufacturing practices. Another section establishes new labeling requirements. The FDA will have power to issue mandatory recalls.

The FDA already has enforcement options to deal with adulterated or misbranded cosmetics, and its regulations preclude or limit certain ingredients such as mercury compounds. Many in the agency will welcome their new power, but note that an FDA official told Congress in 2019: “We believe that most cosmetics on the market in the United States are indeed safe, and in our experience, most firms are responsible actors—they care about consumer safety and the reputations of their brands, and in those rare cases when safety issues do arise, many firms work with us cooperatively to address them.”…

The agency struggles mightily to approve in a timely fashion new drugs that save lives, and the FDA recently failed to head off a nationwide shortage of baby formula, for heaven’s sake. It won’t perform better once it spends more time and money policing eye shadow.


The 18 Republican Senators who supported this Omnibus monstrosity should further explain how this $1.7 trillion spending bill will aid in the Fed’s battle to bring inflation under control:

Big Spending Bill Is A Big Problem For The Fed’s Inflation Fight -Dec 27, 2022


Here is a full list of Republican senators who voted in favor of the bill:

  • Roy Blunt (Missouri)
  • John Boozman (Arkansas)
  • Shelley Capito (West Virginia)
  • Susan Collins (Maine)
  • John Cornyn (Texas)
  • Tom Cotton (Arkansas)
  • Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
  • Jim Inhofe (Oklahoma)
  • Mitch McConnell (Kentucky)
  • Jerry Moran (Kansas)
  • Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
  • Rob Portman (Ohio)
  • Mitt Romney (Utah)
  • Mike Rounds (South Dakota)
  • Richard Shelby (Alabama)
  • John Thune (South Dakota)
  • Roger Wicker (Mississippi)
  • Todd Young (Indiana)

These 18 Senators, this day, have a golden opportunity to redeem themselves with a new plan for America….

The Leviticus 25 Plan is a dynamic economic initiative providing direct liquidity benefits for American families, while at the same time scaling back the role of government in managing and controlling the affairs of citizens.  It is a comprehensive plan with long-term economic and social benefits for citizens and government.

The inspiration for this plan is based upon Biblical principles set forth in the Book of Leviticus, principles tendering direct economic liberties to the people.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$90,000 per U.S. citizen – Leviticus 25 Plan 2023 (5514 downloads)

WSJ: Washington House Republicans reject party’s “Commitment to America” to curb wasteful government spending. Instead join Democrats to pass massive earmarks free-for-all.

Washington’s earmark largess… more government bloat, snowballing budget deficits, economic stagnation, growing peril for U.S. Dollar…


WSJ: The GOP Spending Poseurs

House Republicans prove themselves unserious by refusing to ban earmarks.

By Kimberley A. Strassel, Dec. 1, 2022 – Excerpts:

Self-awareness isn’t one of the modern GOP’s strong suits, as House Republicans proved again this week. If the party is still confused as to why voters didn’t trust them in greater numbers, it might consider that it isn’t trustworthy.

Leader Kevin McCarthy in September unveiled to great fanfare the party’s Commitment to America, which vowed that Republicans would “curb wasteful government spending” that feeds inflation and the national debt. Hundreds of Republican candidates stormed their districts, waving Commitment pocket cards and pronouncing on fiscal discipline and oversight.

Then came Wednesday’s first test of whether this was all hot air, and it turns out a fleet of dirigibles wouldn’t have held the gas. California Rep. Tom McClintock moved to repeal the recent party rule allowing earmarks. The caucus routed his motion, voting it down 158-52. Commitment to America? More like Commitment to Spoils.

The vote came despite a vigorous campaign by independent conservative groups. “Earmarks are one of the most corrupt, inequitable, and wasteful practices in the history of Congress,” read a letter signed by representatives of 15 groups, including Heritage Action, Club for Growth, FreedomWorks, Americans for Tax Reform and Citizens Against Government Waste. The groups told lawmakers it was “your first opportunity to demonstrate to taxpayers that the election of a Republican majority in the House will be accompanied by a serious effort to restore and maintain fiscal responsibility.” So much for that.

The GOP swore off earmarks in 2011, when it stood for something other than investigations. But when a Democratic Congress in 2021 announced intentions to bring them back, GOP trough-feeders rushed to sign up. At least in March 2021, the vote was closer: 102-84. But that was before members got hooked on the earmark drug. Some 120 Republicans partook in the subsequent earmark free-for-all, snorting up nearly $5 billion for their states and districts. And the addicts aren’t interested in rehab.

They hide behind GOP appropriators like Arkansas Rep. Steve Womack, who in recent years have draped their spending in the cloak of “constitutional duty.” According to Mr. Womack, spending on specific pork projects is a way of asserting lawmakers’ “authority” to make spending decisions rather than ceding it to the Biden administration. He suggests, with a straight face, that earmarks are central to “our job controlling spending.”

This is hilarious, considering that the GOP continues to cede all spending decisions to the administration outside the isolated pork members siphon back home. Even as the GOP spenders high-fived their earmark triumph, 41 House Republicans on Thursday voted with all Democrats to give the Justice Department $50 million to hand out in grants to create re-entry programs for former prisoners. Attorney General Merrick Garland will have unilateral control over this money—deciding which communities benefit and which nonprofits get a check. In a floor speech on the bill, Mr. McClintock noted that grant making has become the “third-biggest expenditure of the federal government, behind only Social Security and national defense”—costing half a trillion dollars a year, or approximately $4,000 from an average family’s taxes.

Republicans could insist that contracts be competitively bid out. They don’t. They could insist on accountability—conditioning further dollars on the performance of past ones. But that would take work, and it isn’t nearly as much fun as grandstanding as a constitutionalist while bagging $1 million for the St. Louis Symphony (Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt) or $650,000 for feral swine management (Arkansas Sen. John Boozman) or $4.2 million for a sheep experiment station (Idaho Rep. Mike Simpson). Good thing Mr. Biden wasn’t in control of those dollars! Imagine the waste!

If Republicans are that concerned about Biden decisions, they could simply zero out budgets. But that might make people unhappy. Or Congress could do its job by actually debating, marking up and passing its 12 annual spending bills on time. That’s something no Congress has managed to do in 25 years.

Rousing a party to do uncomfortable things is the leader’s job. But on the topic of earmarks, Mr. McCarthy put his finger to the wind and took the bold stance of . . . not weighing in. Is it any wonder he’s having trouble convincing 218 Republicans he has the mettle for the job? Meanwhile, the Senate’s spender-in-chief, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, is using Mr. McCarthy’s organizing travails as reason to bleed taxpayers more. The theory is that House Republicans won’t be able to corral the votes for a start-of-year spending solution. The answer is for Senate Republicans to sign off on another eye-watering black-hole omnibus, full of (what else?) earmarks.

What an opening impression. If Republicans can’t muster the backbone to get rid of earmarks that are an affront to spending discipline, good governance and federalism, voters won’t muster the enthusiasm to keep them in charge.


Washington Republicans have no ‘backbone’ to oppose Washington Democrats and their destructive plans for America, benefiting, paradoxically, wealthy elites and those riding welfare gravy train.

While Washington Republicans have no plan to strengthen the lot of America’s hard-working, tax-paying, God-fearing U.S. citizens – the true ‘backbone of America…

Main Street Republicans do have a plan:

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$90,000 per U.S. citizen – Leviticus 25 Plan 2023 (5472 downloads)

WSJ: Senate Republicans ‘Deleverage’ House Counterparts with Omnibus Spending Blowout Approval.

WSJ: Republican Party Masochists in Congress

GOP division and disarray on Capitol Hill bode ill for the next two years.

By The Editorial Board, Updated Dec. 17, 2022 – Excerpts:

… Democrats in the House minority have completed a seamless change of House leadership to a younger generation with little internal dissent. But Republicans, who ostensibly won the majority, can’t even find the votes to elect a GOP Speaker, much less agree on budget strategy or much of anything else.

Meanwhile, across the Capitol, Senate Republicans are doing Mr. McCarthy no favors by joining Democrats to pass a giant omnibus spending bill for fiscal 2023. Most House Republicans prefer a continuing resolution to fund the government only into early next year, when Republicans will have more leverage as the House majority.

But Mitch McConnell and the Senate GOP don’t trust that Mr. McCarthy can deliver in January, or so they say. They won’t even give him the chance. The more likely explanation is that Senate Republicans also want one more spending blowout this Congress as much as Senate Democrats do. Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby is the ranking Republican on the Appropriations Committee, and he seems intent on going out with big spending bang.

The result could be a spending bill nearly as large as the $1.9 trillion March 2021 Covid relief bill that triggered inflation. The omnibus bill would lock in baseline domestic non-defense spending far above levels that would have been expected in 2023 given normal increases pre-Covid. Defense would also get a spending boost, but the omnibus would set the budget through next September.

The new House GOP majority wouldn’t be able to use their power of the purse to influence priorities until fiscal 2024. The higher spending, and thus larger budget deficits, would also make pro-growth tax cuts that much more difficult to sell politically. If there’s a recession, Democrats will propose even more spending, and Republicans will propose what?

Democrats run the House until January, so Mr. McCarthy can’t stop an omnibus bill. But the lack of coordination between the House and Senate GOP bodes ill for any coherent agenda over the next two years. Senate Democrats and the White House will have a united front and could roll over a divided GOP.

The GOP dysfunction since Election Day won’t matter if it teaches Republicans that their only chance of influencing policy is to stay united. On the evidence so far, however, Republicans are the gang that couldn’t shoot straight—except at one another.


Again… “Democrats will propose even more spending, and Republicans will propose what?

The lack of any type of master plan by Washington Republicans to get America back on course is astonishing. There is no strategy to restore economic liberty and free market dynamics. No strategy to reduce the entitlements crisis and re-incentivize work. No plan to dial back inflation and revitalize long-term economic growth. No politically feasible plan to restore financial security for American Families and eliminate federal budget deficits.

America’s Main Street Republicans do have a plan:

The Leviticus 25 Plan is a dynamic economic initiative providing direct liquidity benefits for American families, while at the same time scaling back the role of government in managing and controlling the affairs of citizens.  It is a comprehensive plan with long-term economic and social benefits for citizens and government.

The inspiration for this plan is based upon Biblical principles set forth in the Book of Leviticus, principles tendering direct economic liberties to the people.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$90,000 per U.S. citizen – Leviticus 25 Plan 2023 (5470 downloads)

Gallup: ‘Government’ Seen as America’s Top Problem in 2022

Politics, December 13, 2022

Gallup: Government Remains Americans’ Top Problem in 2022

by Megan Brenan

Story Highlights

  • Average 19% in 2022 name some aspect of government as biggest problem
  • 16% cite inflation and 12% the economy in general, on average
  • Satisfaction with direction of the U.S. averages 18%, similar to 2008 and 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. — For the seventh year in the past decade, Americans name dissatisfaction with the government as the nation’s top problem in 2022. An average of 19% of U.S. adults have mentioned some aspect of the government as the most important problem facing the country in Gallup’s 11 measures this year. The government edges out the high cost of living or inflation (16%) and outpaces the economy in general (12%). Further down the list, immigration, unifying the country, COVID-19, race relations and crime each average 4% to 6% of mentions in 2022.

The data show significant differences in partisans’ views of the nation’s top three problems. On average, Republicans are more likely than Democrats and independents to name the government as the most pressing issue in 2022.

In addition, Republicans are more than twice as likely as Democrats to name inflation and the economy in general, while the readings among independents fall between the two partisan groups.


America needs ‘less government,’ a strong, vibrant economy with low inflationary pressures, and a citizen-centered ‘new direction.’

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$90,000 per U.S. citizen – Leviticus 25 Plan 2023 (5462 downloads)

Big Government: Massive Fraud, Waste, and Abuse. Dynamic new citizen-centered plan ready to launch….

The U.S. is living through an ‘avalanche’ of sloppy, ill-conceived government social welfare programs which are ‘ripping off’ working taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars each year.

It is time to change all this – with a powerful new, citizen-centered program.


US Hemorrhaging Money From Entitlement Fraud & Waste

ZeroHedge, Aug 18, 2021 – Excerpts:

Commentary by Rep. James Comer via RealClearPolitics,

…. the United States is on the path toward becoming a welfare state fully entrenched in waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement. President Biden plans to expand welfare to almost half of the country’s working adults through the deceptively named American Families Plan. If passed, it will allow the federal government to meddle in Americans’ everyday lives from birth to death. Meanwhile, every year, entitlement programs are spending tens of billions of taxpayer dollars improperly—either through inaccuracies, incompetence, or fraud.  

Government is already too big with too much waste. Current entitlement programs are rife with abuse. Their size and lack of guardrails to protect taxpayer dollars open the door for bad actors to take advantage of the system. But rather than acknowledging and addressing these issues, the Biden administration wants to dramatically expand the welfare state, which will undoubtedly result in even more waste, fraud, and abuse.  

Since 2003, when agencies were required to report these payments, the Government Accountability Office estimates $1.9 trillion in improper payments have been made. But that might just be the tip of the iceberg because the GAO maintains it is unable to “determine the full extent to which improper payments occur.” 

In fiscal year 2020, more than 21% of Medicaid’s federal program spending was the result of improper spending, which means one-fifth of taxpayer dollars, intended to help roughly 77 million low-income and medically needy individuals, has been lost without helping those Americans. Medicare was similarly disastrous, with $43 billion in improper payments—money that should have helped provide health care for the 63 million elderly and disabled currently receiving Medicare benefits.  

Outside of Medicare and Medicaid, three other significant sources of improper payments are for the earned income tax credit, unemployment insurance, and supplemental security income. Almost a quarter of the payments made for the earned income tax credit in FY2020 were improper—this amounted to $16 billion. Of the benefits paid by the Department of Labor for the unemployment insurance program, 10% were improper payments, which accounted for $8 billion. The Social Security Administration similarly spent almost 10% of the Supplemental Security Income funds on improper payments during FY2020—amounting to $5.3 billion.

The federal government wasted tens of billions in improper payments last fiscal year alone—and that does not include any improper payments related to COVID-19 relief programs. We already know substantial fraud occurred within pandemic unemployment benefit programs. It’s simply a matter of time before we know how severe the damage was in improper payments….

James Comer is the ranking member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee.


Rep. Comer went on to say, “Republicans stand ready to stop the rise of the socialist state, and while we wage that battle, we must simultaneously fix the massive flaws in our existing welfare system. If we fail or the administration stops us, American families will pay the price.”

He offered no politically viable, concrete plan, however, to get America out of this miserable mess – which he, and most Republicans have been party to over the past several decades.

Democrats are moving fast to grow entitlement programs and ultimately expand the welfare state. Republicans are content to do nothing more than lightly tap the brakes, and pay lip service to ‘changing the system.’

The most powerful economic recovery plan in the world is ‘loaded up and ready to go.

The Leviticus 25 Plan is the most powerful economic acceleration plan on the face of the earth. It is politically viable, specific in its details for implementation. It will generate hundreds of billions of dollars in new tax revenue, and produce $383 billion federal budget surpluses in each of its first five years of activation. And it will pay for itself, entirely, over the initial 10-15 years period of activation.

It will change the entire dynamic on waste, fraud, and abuse that are ‘ripping taxpayers off’ in Medicare, Medicaid, and Earned Income Tax Credit payments, Supplemental Security Income payments, Unemployment Insurance, Means-tested Welfare payments.

The Leviticus 25 Plan will restore a citizen-centered health care system in America, and reignite a long-term economic growth cycle, and reduce government intrusion into the daily affairs of citizens.

The Leviticus 25 Plan is a dynamic economic initiative providing direct liquidity benefits for American families, while at the same time scaling back the role of government in managing and controlling the affairs of citizens.  It is a comprehensive plan with long-term economic and social benefits for citizens and government.

The inspiration for this plan is based upon Biblical principles set forth in the Book of Leviticus, principles tendering direct economic liberties to the people.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$90,000 per U.S. citizen – Leviticus 25 Plan 2023 (5428 downloads)

Hubbard: “Bailouts Shouldn’t Be Only For Banks.”

Glenn Hubbard, dean of the Columbia Business School and former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers during the George W. Bush presidency,. recently urged that financial crisis interventions should not be limited to banks.


*Bailouts Shouldn’t Be Only for Banks – WSJ

Wall Street Journal, 9-14-18 – Excerpts:

“To be sure, recapitalizing financial institutions was an important element of the policy response. The depletion of capital buffers before the crisis reduced loan supply and exacerbated fire sales of distressed assets once the market collapsed. Cash infusions by the Treasury under the Troubled Asset Relief Program, in concert with the Fed’s bold lender-of-last-resort interventions, blunted the impact of the crisis.

That said, the perceived lack of attention to “Main Street” fed public suspicion of the bailouts. The government appeared to be more interested in addressing the decline in bank capital than the decline in home values. Millions of homeowners who were current in their mortgage payments were unable to refinance at lower interest rates because they were underwater. Yet many of these mortgages were already guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac , meaning taxpayers held the credit risk. Banks and investors holding the mortgages would never receive less than par.

The government should have directed a mass refinancing of mortgages for primary homes in which the borrower was current in payments. This would have led to an increase in disposable income and in home prices totaling more than $100 billion, according to a proposal Christopher Mayer and I offered at the time. The Treasury instead offered a tepid version of this with the Home Affordable Modification Program and the Home Affordable Refinance Program. These initiatives lacked the boldness of the bank bailouts, and Americans noticed…”

Hubbard concluded, “Ten years on, the U.S. still lacks a detailed plan for post-crisis intervention…”


Solution: What America really needs, to restore financial health to working families and ‘power up’ economic vitality across Main Street America – is a detailed plan for ‘pre-crisis’ intervention.

America needs a plan that will insulate Main Street America from the next financial crisis. This detailed plan must also generate massive new tax revenue flows and a powerful, sustainable reduction in government deficits.

The Leviticus 25 Plan is currently loaded up and ready to launch…

The Leviticus 25 Plan is a dynamic economic initiative providing direct liquidity benefits for American families, while at the same time scaling back the role of government in managing and controlling the affairs of citizens.  It is a comprehensive plan with long-term economic and social benefits for citizens and government.

The inspiration for this plan is based upon Biblical principles set forth in the Book of Leviticus, principles tendering direct economic liberties to the people.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$90,000 per U.S. citizen – Leviticus 25 Plan 2023 (5424 downloads)

November 2022 – What Should Have Been: Republicans Sweep House and Senate in Landslide Election with The Leviticus 25 Plan.

Washington Democrats have an effective economic plan:

(1) Expand entitlement programs; (2) Promise to forgive college student loans; (3) Extend the Pandemic Emergency declaration’s free-money giveaways; (4) Grow the IRS into the largest agency in government to collect more taxes from “the wealthy”; (5) Ignore the long-term consequences of America’s burgeoning debt crisis and ultimate destruction of the U.S. Dollar

Washington Republicans also have a plan: 

(1) Blame Biden / Democrats for America’s problems; (2) Blame other Republicans, blame Roe v. Wade for lost votes; (3) Offer no politically and economically feasible plan to set America back on course for long-term fiscal health and economic prosperity.

If Republicans would have held up the most powerful economic acceleration plan in the world – they would have won in a landslide.

The Leviticus 25 Plan is the only plan in the world with the raw power to provide a dynamic ‘recharge’ to the U.S. economy and restore economic liberty in America. 

The Leviticus 25 Plan will generate $583 billion federal budget surpluses for the initial 5 years of activation (2023-2027), and completely pay for itself over the next 10-15 years.

The Leviticus 25 Plan is a dynamic economic initiative providing direct liquidity benefits for American families, while at the same time scaling back the role of government in managing and controlling the affairs of citizens.  It is a comprehensive plan with long-term economic and social benefits for citizens and government.

The inspiration for this plan is based upon Biblical principles set forth in the Book of Leviticus, principles tendering direct economic liberties to the people.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America 2023

Economic Scoring links:

·  The Leviticus 25 Plan 2023 – $583 billion Federal Budget Surpluses (2023-2027), Part 1: Overview, Deficit Projection

·  The Leviticus 25 Plan 2023 – $583 Billion Federal Budget Surpluses Annually (2023-2027), Part 2: Federal Income Tax and Means-Tested Welfare Recapture Benefits.

·  The Leviticus 25 Plan 2023 – $583 Billion Federal Budget Surpluses Annually (2023-2027), Part 3: Medicaid/CHIP and Medicare Recapture Benefits

·  The Leviticus 25 Plan 2023 – $583 Billion Federal Budget Surpluses Annually (2023-2027), Part 4: VA, TRICARE, FEHB, SSDI Recapture Benefits

·  The Leviticus 25 Plan 2023 – $583 Billion Federal Budget Surpluses Annually (2023-2027), Part 5: Subtotals, Interest Expense Savings, Summary


Preview 1:

The Leviticus 25 Plan provides a $90,000 credit extension, direct from the Federal Reserve, to every participating U.S. citizen:  $60,000 into a Family Account (FA) and $30,000 into a Medical Savings Account (MSA).

Example:  Qualifying family of four would receive $240,000 in their FA, and $120,000 in their MSA.

Primary goals:  Massive debt elimination at family level: mortgage debt, consumer debt, student loan debt.  Federal budget surpluses.

Eligibility:  U.S. Citizen.  Job history, credit history requirement (similar to traditional credit checks for bank loans).  Clean recent drug history.  Clean crime history.

Requirements:  Forego all federal and state tax refunds for 5-year period.

Forego selected means-tested welfare benefits – for minimum 5-year period.

Forego all income security program benefits – for minimum 5-year period.

Forego new federally-subsidized ‘Family Medical Leave’ benefits – for minimum 5-year period.

Forego Child Tax Credit benefits – for minimum 5-year period.

Forego enhanced federal rental forbearance/assistance – for minimum 5-year period.

Forego SSI and SSDI for minimum 5-year period.

New $6,000 deductible on primary care access to: Medicare, Medicaid, VA, TRICARE, FEHB – for minimum 5-year period.

The Plan assumes that the elite-wealthy will not participate, because their refunds are too valuable to give up over the requisite 5-year period.

The Plan also assumes that many who heavily depend on social welfare benefits will also choose not to participate, because the overriding value of those benefits, vs foregoing them, over the 5-year period.

Preview 2:

The Leviticus 25 Plan grants the same direct access to liquidity, through a Fed-based Citizens Credit Facility, similar to the credit facilities that were created by the Fed to transfuse trillions of dollars in direct transfers and credit extensions to Wall Street’s major banks, credit agencies and insurers during the great financial crisis. 

The following facilities were created and activated by the Fed for this massive Wall Street bail out operation: Term Auction Facility (TAF), Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF), Term Securities Lending Facility (TSLF), currency swap agreements with several foreign central banks,  Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF), Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility (AMLF), Money Market Investor Funding Facility (MMIFF), and the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), and access to the Fed’s Discount Window.

Additional perspective:  SIGTARP, the oversight agency of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), in its July 2009 report, vetted by Treasury, noted that the U.S. Government’s “Total Potential Support Related to Crisis” (page 138) amounted to $23.7 trillion. While this figure represents a backstop commitment, not a measure of total potential loss, it is nonetheless an astounding degree of support, in the form of liquidity infusions, credit extensions and guarantees, various other forms of assistance for financial institutions and other business entities affected by the financial crisis.

Preview 3:

The Leviticus 25 Plan website has been accessed on one or more occasions by the following financial enterprises/agencies: 

JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, State Street, Merrill Lynch, AIG, Barclays Plc, Royal Bank of Scotland, Deutsche Bank, Société Générale S.A., UBS AG, Credit Suisse, BNP Paribas, The U.S. Department of Treasury, General Accountability Office (GAO), The European Central Bank (ECB), Bank of England (BOE), Swiss National Bank (SNB), Bank of Canada, Bank of Montreal, Bank for International Settlements (BIS)


The Governmental Accountability Office has stated that America’s ongoing debt crisis is unsustainable.

It is time for America to initiate a bold, new plan.  Our future depends upon it.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – loaded up and ready to launch.

Full Plan: Leviticus 25 Plan 2023 (5395 downloads)

WSJ: How Welfare Left Americans Poorer

Washington Democrats are delighted to be able to ramp up transfer payments and groom more Americans into a state of dependence on government.

Washington Republicans pay lip service to opposing Democrats… but they have no credible, politically feasible strategy to change the dynamic. They have no plan to get America back on track: (1) reigniting a long-term economic growth cycle; (2) generating massive public and private debt reduction; (3) and restoring economic liberty and financial health for American Families.


WSJ: How Welfare Left Americans Poorer

A Census Bureau report shows the high cost of transfer payments.

By The Editorial Board, Sept. 13, 2022 – Excerpts:

The Census Bureau released its 2021 income report Tuesday, and the political spin is that unprecedented pandemic transfer payments lifted millions out of poverty. It’s more accurate to say that most Americans are worse off than before the pandemic owing in part to . . . unprecedented transfer payments.

Lifting government lockdowns last year should have caused millions of Americans to return to work and raised average incomes. That didn’t happen. Real median pre-tax household income fell $402 last year to $70,784 and was $2,024 lower than in 2019. The total number of workers didn’t budge between 2020 and 2021.

Millions of Americans whose hours were cut during lockdowns did return to full-time work, but many laid-off Americans stayed home. The number of full-time, year-round workers increased by 11.1 million last year, but their real median earnings declined 4.1%.

Rising prices … may have reduced the incentive to work as the purchasing power of paychecks declined. But the Census report also underscores the outsize effects of the March 2021 $1.9 trillion spending bill, which helped drive the “supplemental” poverty measure (which accounts for transfer payments) to a record low even though the official poverty rate didn’t improve.

The $300 a week unemployment benefit boost finally lapsed last September, but transfer payments on the whole grew last year. These included the $3,600 child tax credit; $1,400 payments for each adult and child; food stamps averaging about $230 a person a month; expanded Affordable Care Act (ACA) premium subsidies, and more.

… Adding up all of last year’s government largesse, a lower-income family with two young children would have received nearly $24,000 in “free” cash, which doesn’t even include the cost of government health coverage.

We’ve written about how a March 2020 law restricts states from ending Medicaid for people no longer financially eligible as long as the national pandemic emergency is in effect. The same law suspended food stamp work requirements and raised benefits. When leisure pays as much as work, fewer work.

Democrats highlight the Census Bureau’s finding that 1.1 million fewer Americans were without health insurance last year than in 2020. But the bigger story was the shift from private to government health coverage. The number of people with private plans fell by 1.5 million while enrollment in Medicaid increased by 3.2 million and Medicare by 1.7 million.

This underscores warnings that Medicaid and ACA subsidy expansions might induce small employers to drop coverage, especially as they have to pay more to attract workers. Medicaid spending has increased by about a third during the pandemic and amounted to $33,000 last year for each new Medicaid enrollee.

Government had to support struggling Americans when government shut down the economy in 2020. But Democrats used Covid to expand the welfare state long after the crisis has passed. Americans are paying for it via inflation that has eroded their incomes.

Real median post-tax income including transfer payments declined last year by 1% for all households, 2.9% for those without children and 4.2% for seniors. Most Americans are worse off than they would have been had that $1.9 trillion bill never passed.


Main Street Republicans across America do have a plan. Loaded up and ready to launch.

The Leviticus 25 Plan is a dynamic economic initiative providing direct liquidity benefits for American families, while at the same time scaling back the role of government in managing and controlling the affairs of citizens.  It is a comprehensive plan with long-term economic and social benefits for citizens and government.

The inspiration for this plan is based upon Biblical principles set forth in the Book of Leviticus, principles tendering direct economic liberties to the people.

The Leviticus 25 Plan – An Economic Acceleration Plan for America

$90,000 per U.S. citizen – Leviticus 25 Plan 2023 (5388 downloads)